SPH Counseling

               Shane P. Hodges, LPC

Let's work together at discovering the best you!

What is EMDR  Therapy?

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing is an evidence-based therapeutic practice which is effective in treating trauma. EMDR is a comprehensive, integrated psychotherapy approach. It is an information processing therapy and uses an eight phase approach to address the experiential contributors of a wide range of difficulties. It attends to past experiences that have set the groundwork for dysfunction, current situations that trigger emotions, beliefs, and sensations, and the positive experience needed to enhance future adaptive behaviors and mental health.

In a nutshell, the goal is to desensitize the negative belief or disturbance you may have about yourself in connection to certain situations and replace them with a positive belief. In turn, this can allow you to move forward without the trauma/tramatic event holding you back. 

How long does EMDR  Therapy take?
Although each case is unique, according to the EMDR Institute of America, most cases are resolved with twelve or fewer EMDR sessions. 

How do I choose an EMDR  therapist?
Therapy can be hard work, but it can be more difficult if you choose a therapist you don't like, don't respect, or don't trust. It is my strong belief that choosing the right therapist for you, is crucial to your success. Therefore, I suggest you "interview" a therapist before you begin working with them in an effort to determine how comfortable you feel with them.

The EMDR Institute of America recommends the following questions:

          1. Has your therapist received both levels of EMDR training?
          2. Was his/her training approved by EMDRIA?
          3. Has your therapist kept informed of the latest protocols and developments?
          4. How many cases has your therapist treated with your particular problem/disorder?
          5. What is his/her success rate?

Please ask any questions and talk about any concerns you may have before you begin therapy.